VPI Traveler Turntable and Dynavector 20x2H Cartridge Combo From Music Direct Sweepstakes
Analog Planet and Music Direct are proud to offer you a chance to win the brand-new turntable from VPI, The Traveler. This turntable is dedicated to the memory of VPI co-founder Sheila Weisfeld, and it’s an amazing American-made work-of-art. Combine this turntable with the great high-output moving-coil Dynavector 20x2H phono cartridge and you are in for such a treat. We dare to say that no digital front end can compete. But hey, we’re analog lovers!
Josh Bizar from Music Direct says they will also be including some analog set-up tools and some incredible newly-pressed vinyl so will instantly know how amazing this analog package sounds. As an added bonus, Michael Fremer will personally set up the cartridge with his USB scope.
Click here for more info on the turntable and here for more on the cartridge.
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You can enter once on AnalogPlanet.com. No more than one entry allowed.
The final step (and only step for those who already have an account) is to log in and leave a comment right here on this announcementany comment will do, as long as it's not profane or spam. Then, when the sweepstakes closes, a lucky commenter will be chosen at random to receive the prize. So post a comment, and good luck!
For complete sweepstakes rules, click here.
[This sweepstakes is now closed.]
Who wouldn't want to win this?!! Count me in!
My Roksan Xerxes is long in the tooth, contemplating the VPI 3, need a new turntable!!
Other than a cure for my crippling tinnitus this would be a wonderful, enjoyable, vinyl spinning rig that I would put to some serious use.
Count me in.
I've got a 1980s harman kardon table that I love; but this one looks to alluring to be faithful.
What a beautiful gift, good luck to everyone!
Nice setup for a prize. Looks nice and I bet it sounds great!
Le Charme Français in a US turntable ...for me ? ;o)
oh boy...
I need a VPI Traveler for the bedroom system. I have a VPI HW19 Mk3 in the basement and A Scoutmaster in the first floor system!
Wish me luck.
To play my many lp's, which poliferate on an almost daily basis.
Sweet package.
Between Rega, Clearaudio and VPI, it looks like this price point is heating up! Please count me in on this contest!
As a newcomer to Vinyl thank you for this site! So helpful! Winning this would definitely turbocharge my hobby!
Wow! This looks like a beautiful combo. It would look great in my listening room
Big VPI lover, with a desire to cheat on my '19. To hell with fidelity..! Err, wait..
I want one of those! Thanks for the contest.
Just by posting this comment?
That would be fabulous!
Thank you!
Still rocking the old Dual. She ain't pretty but she sounds alright. This would be a nice upgrade!
Been waiting for some reviews -- I'll just hafta win the contest and write one myself!
I'VE been eyeing this table since I first read about it earlier this year. And with the Dyna cart wow, I'd luv to win ;o ) Count me in....
Nice. Nice. Very Nice.
Another great product from a great American company !!!
Yay! I need this! Please Please Please.:D
Please draw my name as the winner. Let's spin some vinyl.
I love the looks of this. I want one so baaaaad.
I would have to buy another rack though...
A great looking combo.
Beautiful. I'll take it!
sure, add my name to the short list of potential weiners
Looking forward to spinning some new vinyl on my VPI Traveler.
Beautiful Analog Setup. I Would Love To Experience Its' Pleasures.
Could this be the Diana Rigg of turntables?
Because I need some analog grooves in every room!
Would love to win this set-up.
This table will smoke a Rega! I'd love to own it and put it to good use.
I would <3 love this turntable so much!
It's a VPI world and I only spin in it!
You Mr. Fremer are the Prince of Men-thanks for such a great site and keep up the good work.
Nice looking 'table!
Nice to see they have deemed to drop below their normal price point and let some of the classic VPI goodness trickle down a bit. Great design and look too.
Who am I kiddin'-I NEVER win anything. (But I would LOVE to win this combo to replace my aged SOTA tt!)
I thank stereophile mag for being a link to this great site
Replacing a 20 year old Linn
Keep up the good work!
Please ship ASAP to my address of record. Thank you!
I'm feeling it, got a winner here!
"You know what luck is? Luck is believing you're lucky...to hold front position in this rat-race you've got to believe you're lucky." - Stanley Kowalski, A Streetcar named desire
Maybe this will be my turn → table.
Never won anything
And sexy .... I'm sure it is one hell of a package. Good Luck everyone. Thank you for a great contest!
Hope I win...
Do want very badly.
My handmedown is working but I really need a new tt! Would love to win this quality table.
I want to win!
Looks great
How many good people want to get this marvel! Good luck!
The VPI Traveler, and the Dynavector cartridge would become a part of my family. Send it home!
A beautiful player, goodfor years of fun.
lovely turntable! good luck to all!
what a great give away.especially for us folks who can't afford the high
end gear.wishing everyone good luck and analog joy to your ear mind and
Analog lover all my life, recently re-building my system. Such a table would make me complete...And for sure something to pass along to my kids, an American sonic icon...VPI.
Awesome! Thanks for the opportunity.
Thanks for the chance.
Traveler music
Lucky, luck, lucky...
Lucky, luck, lucky...
Great Turntable! i would love to hear how it sounds in my system.
Also great Site!
To win this would make my decade.
Love it! Always love new VPI products. Hope I see it next to my equipment.
I want U in my system:)
Looks great!
Thanks for offering this
Everyone could use another turntable!
This one is just itching to go overseas. Look at the pains they went to to keep it lightweigt...
Wow, that's one gorgeous rig. I can't wait to hear it at CAS next month. Winning it would be better than my birthday!
This would be just what I need.
Thanks, VPI!
My turntable is old and smelly. This one is soooooo much better!
I need a new table
It must sound as nice as it looks, clean,
What a great set up. I'd love the chance to win it and hear audio like it was meant to be heard.
I would love to upgrade my system to this wonderful turntable, built in the USA!
Always wanted a VPI.
and great website!
My 40 year old Pioneer PL530 has been a good friend over the years but I just bought a modded Rega P25 and I am stoked. But a new VPI Traveler would be nice, too.
This looks like a winner. I hope I am too.
A great sounding package that I'd love to win!
Yes I like analog. This VPI Traveler Turntable would be a great replacement for my PL-540. Am listening to Beethoven's 6th on vinyl while writing this comment. I have re-capped my PL-540, changed the tone-arm GND and oiled the bearing. I really enjoy listening to my LP's but feel that there's more detail in my records that I am missing with the PL-540. Let me win the VPI Traveler Turntable and my PL-540 can have its well deserved retirement.
Have a 20 year old T T and it's time for this one...
Will Mr. Fremer be available for the setup? That would be amazing!
This is fun!
I can dig it.
Would attract all the ladies :)
looking forward to the results! thanks for holding such a generous contest. cheers!
I've been lusting after (and saving my pennies for) a VPI table for years now. Maybe i'll finally be able to replace my aging el cheapo Technics table with a proper piece of equipment!
Hope I am the lucky one.
Great looking Table:)
it wants me!
Hey! Pick me!
This ought to give those Brits a run for their money...
All aboard the analog express!
Now to decide which album to play first on this first class setup
So unbelievably excited about this!
Would love to check out that table in person.
Count me in!
What a beautiful turntable! Would love to win it, fingers crossed!
Here hoping for a little luck!
Everyone is waiting
Pick me, pick me, yeah
I would love to hear this turntable.
I hope I win!
My records really want me to win this table...
Okay, this would be awesome for my son - a budding vinylphile
Artful Technology, this beauty would look great next to my Transcriptor Skeleton and Thorens TD125; and teach the old dogs to sing!! When I go "New" The VPI Traveler certainly will be on my short list.
I have a scout and have been trying to get my little brother into vinyl. It would be awesome for his first table to be the little brother to mine!
I'd be the only one in college with true Hi-Fi.
VPI is the best! This new table is a nice addition to collection!
That would be an upgrade.
Diggin the updated content from Fremmer. Would be stoked to win this contest, way to pair this with a nice cart.
I need some luck!
I want to go to there
Great combo - even better when sitting on my rack.
I started with analog less than a year ago, and have upgraded and improved considerably since then. But now I feel like I've already outgrown my Rega P2 after only a couple of months. I would LOVE one of these, and would certainly like supporting an American company that actually manages to produce something of good quality. At the moment I just don't have the funds. So, here's hoping!
And would love to try the Traveler!
I have a Thorens TT with a Shure v15. I think it is time to upgrade.
I need a new turntable. It's hare to find a quality one in Nashville.
wanted a VPI table.
VPI makes incredible TT's. Glad to see them bring something at this price point. I orignally started with a Scout 2 Sig which I absolutely loved. Loving my Classic 3. Long Live Vinyl :-)
That set up would look great on my stereo rack! Bet it would sound nice too!
Great turntable . Well Made
If I win this and it sounds better than my modified Thorens TD115 with TP30 tonearm and Ortofon VMS20e mkII cartridge, I'll keep it. If not, I will donate it to any of my budding vinylphile friends...
Been watching the progress on this new VPI table.
Would really love to win this amazing package. :>)
Glad there are sites like this promoting quality gear and audio.
Keep up the good work!
The table sounded fantastic at the SHOW in Newport. Congrats!
Would allow me to put a mono cart. in my other table
Boy, this package sure looks sweet! Would like to place this of my TT stand.
How cool!!!! What a way to open a new site.
After a period of non-use, my precious Revox linear-track TT now has motor-speed issues (electronics). This VPI kit would be a Godsend!
My VPI SCOUT II Sure Would Like a New Little Brother!!!!!!!
R.I.P. Sheila
Allways wanted a VPI, Very coooool
I love my original Aries table with Sumiko Blackbird. This Traveler and Dyno would be a great addition to the family.
I would be especially proud to own a VPI turntable made here in the USA!
Sign me up, thank you very much!
I'm free to wash cars and mow lawns. Just sayin'.
I had a VPI for years, upgraded everything... and then sold it ot a friend! He's still loving it, though I can't get him to step up from his Grado Gold.
(Mike, I bought your Hovland preamp years ago and it's still going strong- Thanks again)
I've got a new rack just waiting for this table!
I want one. :) I've been waiting for the Traveler to be released. I'll have one real soon now...
Please put my name in the drawing for this neat looking turntable.
Thnaks for launching this site.