Record Cleaning Machine Reviews

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Michael Fremer  |  Mar 17, 2014  |  21 comments
An analog planet reader emailed to say his Audio Deske ultrasonic cleaning machine has ruined some of his collectible records and not because of ultrasonics.

Michael Fremer  |  Nov 27, 2013  |  23 comments
If you're of a certain age you'll know that "let your fingers do the walking" was the Yellow Pages slogan. If you're of a different certain age, you might not even know what the Yellow Pages is! It doesn't matter really because it's just a play on words. The slogan meant you could thumb through the Yellow Pages rather than walking around to find a particular retailer or service.

Michael Fremer  |  Nov 18, 2013  |  35 comments
Got pets that shed? You probably have at least one of those pet hair removing rollers with the split replaceable sticky roller. Roll it over your clothing and it picks up the hair. When its covered with hair and/or lost its stickiness, you peel off a layer and throw it way, using the fresh layer underneath to continue hair-removal.
Michael Fremer  |  Sep 03, 2013  |  44 comments
The success of the Audio Desk Systems’ ultrasonic record cleaning machine made it inevitable that others would follow. A few have since been marketed that use existing technology and hardware such as Bob Ratcliff’s V-8, a stainless steel vat that can clean but not dry eight records simultaneously. It uses available hardware adapted by Mr. Ratcliff along with his motor driven rotating spit-like contrivance.
