Record Handling and Storage Tips

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Michael Fremer  |  Jan 31, 2022  |  84 comments
Toneoptic founder and graphic arts designer Fabian Geyrhalter decided "It is time to rethink how we store and select records". He's come up with a unique, patent pending design and hired "the best designer, engineer and advisors (from Frank Gehry Partners, Boeing Aircraft and Cambridge Audio amongst others)" to execute the concept.

Michael Fremer  |  Sep 13, 2021  |  14 comments
I usually ignore Facebook advertising—you know, the ads that offer miracle fixes in super fast motion—but one seemed to make too much sense to ignore and that was Turntable Revival's Premium Backspacers available for IKEA KALLAX/EXPEDIT shelves as well as ones from Target and Walmart/Better Homes and Gardens. These shelving units are not made for vinyl record storage but can be used for it and therein lies the problem Turntable Revival solves.

Michael Fremer  |  Sep 28, 2020  |  22 comments
Few things are more annoying to record lovers living in a home (particularly an older one) with a floor that flexes and causes records to skip as you attempt to carefully move around the room. The first thought is to buy a sturdier, more massive equipment stand but that doesn't work!

Michael Fremer  |  May 27, 2020  |  0 comments
Crosley Radio recently announced it had renewed its license for Beatles-branded accessories including the ones in the lead photo. The Beatles remain at or near the top of new vinyl sales 57 years after the group released its first single.

Michael Fremer  |  Sep 25, 2019  |  0 comments
Koeppel Design 45rpm dividers make organizing and finding your 45s easy!

Michael Fremer  |  Sep 03, 2019  |  17 comments
Surely you've picked up a just cleaned record and need to put it down somewhere other than in the original jacket, or you've mistakenly pulled one to play while the one you've just finished playing still sits on the turntable or you've made some other brain-addled move that leaves one record in your hand with no place to put it. Well here's the TRANSIT PLATTER, the "why didn't I think of it" solution from the "stable geniuses" at stable 33.33.

Michael Fremer  |  Mar 02, 2019  |  21 comments
An AnalogPlanet reader let us know about a new source for Per Madsen's "Rackit" record storage units (Per retired). Portland Oregon based woodworker Ryan Tinsel manufactures the record storage racks in his "one-man shop".

Michael Fremer  |  Mar 26, 2018  |  1 comments
Last fall AnalogPlanet posted a story about Netherlands based Music Box Designs, maker of sturdy, stackable wooden vinyl storage boxes.

Michael Fremer  |  Mar 23, 2018  |  9 comments
AnalogPlanet recently received this email from Brit Prather of Pratherteam:

"I wanted to notify you of our small company which specializes in vinyl storage. We offer record racks for on deck listening, small collections and displays for now spinning records which are free standing or wall mounted. As a small company comprised of my husband and I designing and making these units, we’re reaching out to you in marketing efforts for exposure to grow our business".

Michael Fremer  |  Nov 04, 2017  |  5 comments
Netherlands-based Music Box Designs manufactures these solid wood vinyl storage containers and ships them world-wide for a very reasonable price. Shipping is free in The Netherlands and throughout most of Europe.

Michael Fremer  |  Sep 05, 2017  |  2 comments
When Per Madsen retired, a guy named Jef Fowler of TwoCan Audio began making the identical modular oak frame racks.

Michael Fremer  |  Sep 05, 2017  |  2 comments
Chicago-based Brandon Knowlden runs a small wood shop. Among the products he sells are "Visible Vinyl" record display accessories marketed under the name "wellmade".

Michael Fremer  |  Dec 27, 2016  |  8 comments
After receiving a tip and covering the modular, stackable and reasonably priced record storage racks from Tony's Woodshop I bit and bought a dozen.

Michael Fremer  |  Oct 17, 2016  |  21 comments
A few years ago we alerted readers to an identical replacement record rack for the Per Madsen "Rackit" record storage system from TwoCan HiFi. ($99.95 if you order four or more, lesser amounts priced accordingly).
