Making Vinyl Symposium

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Michael Fremer  |  Nov 09, 2017  |  0 comments
The international "Making Vinyl Detroit 2017 Symposium—or whatever you want to call it—was successful beyond most people's highest expectations for the first of a kind event that saw in attendance representatives from many of the world's major record pressing plants (GZ Media, Optimal, MPO, URP, QRP, RTI, Rainbo).

Michael Fremer  |  Nov 12, 2017  |  0 comments
Day two of the international “Making Vinyl 2017 Detroit” event began with Darryl “DMC” McDaniels’ rousing keynote address in which he described growing up as a rock’n’roll fan (Beatles, Stones, Dylan, etc.) in Hollis, Queens, listening to vinyl records, and his getting drawn, along with his friend Russell Simons into the then emerging turntablist scene that evolved into rap.
Michael Fremer  |  Nov 06, 2017  |  9 comments
Bryan Ekus, President and Executive Producer of Making Vinyl Detroit 2017 and Larry Jaffee, Conference Director have put together an outstanding two day Making Vinylconference comprehensively covering every aspect of modern vinyl production. It would have been a shame had weak industry participation marred the event. Fortunately, the worldwide industry responded to the call producing hundreds of attendees from throughout the industry, including pressing plant owners and executives including RTI's Don MacInnis, Rainbo's Steve Sheldon, Optimal Media's Peter Runge, MPO's Alban Pingoet and GZ Vinyl's MIchal Sterba, who were asked to discuss why they never gave up on vinyl in a panel discussion run by Third Man Pressing's Randy Cholewa. The picture is the view from the podium during the panel discussion led by analogPlanet Editor Michael Fremer