Masterdisk Offer Lets You Give the Valentine's Day Gift That Keeps on Giving

New York City based Masterdisk has come up with a unique Valentine's Day gift.

For $185 the mastering company will cut a one-sided Reference Lacquer from your loved one's cassette, CD or digital file, or $235 for a double sided one.

You can choose 33 1/3 rpm (18-23 minutes per side) or 45 rpm (12-15 minutes). The offer includes free shipping.

So let's say your girlfriend or wifey was in a band and has that cassette or CD lying around. You can send it to Masterdisk and get it back on lacquer. Or if you have a CD or cassette or file of your band and want to spin it on your turntable you can give yourself a Valentine's Day gift. Face it: you love yourself too, so why not?

This offer is far more pleasant than the one that offers to turn your cremated ashes into a record, don't you think?

Paul Boudreau's picture

Not too different from the recording booths from the '30s-'50s, is it?

Michael Fremer's picture

The quality will be much higher!

thomoz's picture

If not for this kind of service we might have never heard 18 year old John Lennon sing That'll Be The Day or In Spite Of All The Danger.


The prices have sure gone up in 56 years!

from Wikipedia:

"The recording was made at Percy Phillips' home studio in Liverpool, and cost 17 shillings and six pence (87.5p)."

soundman45's picture

If I recall correctly aren't the playback of reference discs kind of rough on a stylus?

my new username's picture

I thought laquers were soft, which is why they cut easily and require a few intermediary steps be made (mother/father) before a stamper can be made from it.

my new username's picture

Short version: Laquers start softer but by 6mos get harder.

Ooh, they have 45rpm option, too. For that audiophile touch!