I wasn't aware of the rumor. I was under the impression the V15 line always had a difference inductance or some such that was one characteristic apart from lesser Shures. Point being, sometimes a physically compatible stylus can bring about unexpected results.
As an example, the opposite approach--current body/discontinued stylus--is a popular upgrade for the Grado Gold1: the replacement stylus for the long-discontinued 8MZ. It's still eliptical, but finer, faster. So far so good. Whether or not it still has the lower-mid/upper bass "bump" you mentioned in your 8MZ review eons ago I can't say.
But put an MCZ stylus on say, an 8MZ and now 47k loading no longer works --- way too bright and you're playing with resisters and Y-cables ... in other words, it's not that the MCZ/TLZ etc were "brighter" but their motors were optimized for their cantilevers/styluses in significant ways.
Between eBay for old bodies and the online sellers of replacement styluses there can be some interesting "stylus rolling" as it were. Some of the vintage A-T bodies of course apply here as well. All part of the fun.