I had a low mileage ML in my system for about a week. It was definitely better than the Dynavector 20X2H I'd sold on but preferred the Lyra Delos and my current Dynavector DRT XV-1s by far. It's unfair to ask a much lower priced cartridge to try and compete against more refined models however at it's price point the ML brings alot to the table, but try to stretch a little further up the ladder if possible and you'll be well rewarded. Most vinyl lovers would be amazed at the sound of a Delos properly set up.
High Performance, High Value Hana ML and MH Cartridges (Reversed Channels Fixed)
So, I asked the importer, Musical Surroundings, for these two and have had them in and out of the system for some time, but have not had a chance until now to write them up.
Other than output, which is a function of the number of “High Purity” copper coil turns, the two cartridges are identical. Both cartridges feature nude MicroLine styi attached to aluminum cantilevers, hence the “M”. The ML (low) outputs .4mV (@1KHz), while the MH (high) outputs 2mV (@1KHz). Both feature Cryogenically-treated magnetic circuitry, Delrin (a POM variant) bodies and gold-plated, copper top plates that at 9 grams make these two almost twice as heavy as the aforementioned SL, which will make it more suitable for some arms and less so for others, though since Excel Corp does not specify compliance, it’s not possible to calculate what effective mass arms will best work with these two cartridges. Both worked well in the Kuzma 4 Point and Rega RB3000 arms
Other specs that are provided are output balance of <1dB@1kHz, 70µ “trackability” at the suggested 2 gram tracking force, and frequency response of 12Hz-45kHz. Of course, the coil turns affect internal impedance, so the ML’s is 7 ohms@1kHz with >100 ohms recommended loading, while the MH’s is 130 ohms with the standard 47kOhm loading spec.
The MicroLine stylus has an even narrower “contact patch” than the already “severe” Shibata stylus used on the Hana SL. It more closely resembles the cutting stylus itself and so is theoretically capable of extracting more information from the grooves, particularly the higher frequencies and especially those located closer to the label area. If properly set up (the big “if”) you can also expect lower distortion. A cross sectional view would look almost like a flat-blade screwdriver, with the edges being able to trace even the narrowest groove crevice. Of course accurate set-up is critical for overhang, zenith angle and stylus rake angle.
Cryogenically treating metal is claimed to change its molecular structure and thus change sound quality (for the better).
The gold-plated copper top plate is a big improvement and not just because it increases mass and incorporates threaded hole inserts that runs the length of the opening, so you don’t have to mess with nuts (though that’s not a big problem IMO especially if you put a tiny blob of rubber cement on your index finger and embed the nut into it).
The top plate acts both as a damper for the Delrin body and as a mechanical interface between the cartridge and the head shell. Metal cartridge top to metal head shell should produce very different sonic results than a plastic to metal interface (or from whatever your head shell is fabricated).
Obviously, all of these physical changes from the previously reviewed SL should produce noticeable sonic ones. Unfortunately, I don’t have the older SL here, but that doesn’t matter because the sound produced by the Hana ML is exceptionally fine and clearly leaps ahead of the SL, which as I remember it was “really good”. The ML is remarkable.
I installed it in the Kuzma 4 Point and yes, it’s on the Continuum Caliburn, but a mediocre cartridge would drag that stuff down. And I ran it into the ELAC/Alchemy PP-2A. That’s how I did most of the listening. You’ll get to hear it for yourself at the bottom of the review and compare it to the Ortofon Anna D mounted on the SAT CF1-09 arm driving the Ypsilon VPS-100 preamp.
Firstly, the ML is well-built. It achieved 93 degree SRA with the arm parallel to the record surface and crosstalk was minimized and equalized with the cantilever perpendicular to the record surface. I measure 27dB and 28dB separation L-R, R-L adjusted using a digital oscilloscope, which usually “undercounts” separation but is otherwise an accurate method for setting azimuth and for measuring inter-channel output balance. Using Ortofon’s test record the cartridge’s “trackability” matched the spec’d 70µm.
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The last Delos I heard was pretty close to my original Kleos. Just a bit less of everything as they say. I traded in the Kleos for a Kleos SL. And folks need to keep in mind the Lyra carts since the Delos(Kleos, Etna, etc) are a different design & sound than the older models.

This type of generalization drives people away from hifi in droves. the Delos is on my radar, but price? whats price got ta du wid it?
Seriously, at a certain point there is no excuse for price but price sake. I've been a mafufacturer for years (not carts). Entires lines were built on the "jewelry" appearances alone where 600% vs 100$ for the non new york buff version was standard.The delos, zero jewel factor so I'd hope its a damn fine cart.

If you're just going to rant on an old thread then at least educate yourself at least a little about what you're ranting about and pick a side other than "I don't know anything about what I'm ranting about so I sure hope what you're discussing is worthy of discussion" so that you don't bore everyone to death with your tripe.

...the Ortofon Cadenza Red.
At about the same $2,000 price point as the Lyra Delos, there's the Cadenza Blue.

... and Shure are no longer in the game.
The Stanton 881S was the cartridge of choice for the late Doug Sax.

But I really liked the SAT better. I own the Hana EH and was thinking of buying the ML but maybe I should invest in something else? But what?

really sure. Perhaps twice that of the ML? Or should I stretch even further? My TT is only a rather simple Acoustic Signature Primus with a TA500 arm. But the TT may change to something a little better in the future. Also, I think 0.4V is the lowest my Devialet can use.

thanks for a very detailed review Mr. Fremer. both files sound great but Ortofon setup sound lively. I’m doing audio restoration for the last couple of years and I loaded those files to an audio editor to better see the differences. here's what I found;
1. your turntable is very quiet and rumble is very low. it's not existent over 22Hz.
2.Anette Askvik record is a very good pressing like you mentioned and it's very very quiet.
3. both of the setups (Hana and Ortofon) are aligned very well without extreme sibilance. both cartridges have correct zenith alignment cause I get consistent 0.4 samples of delay between channels (which is ok) on both tracks. in terms of channel levels matching: Hana setup +-0.6db Ortofon setup +-0.05dB (superb).
4.unfortunately there is some hum/electronic noise on both setups. a little bit more on Hana setup. any ground loop or loose ground connection may be the reason for such hum/noise.
hum/noise frequencies:
419Hz, 540Hz, 660Hz, 780Hz, 900Hz, 1020Hz, 1140Hz, 1260Hz, 1380Hz, 1500Hz, 1620Hz, 1740Hz, 1861Hz, 1981Hz, 2102Hz, 2223Hz, 2342Hz, 2460Hz, 2581Hz, 2705Hz, 2820Hz, 2945Hz.
luckily it is very easy to remove them digitally. (I’m not a fan of digital audio on the contrary I only listen to records but digital audio might be useful for some occasions)
screen shots:
audio files (first 5 seconds):

frequency intervals are 120Hz. so it must be 60Hz AC line related hum. both setups have almost same hum and actually ortofon setup has lower. that’s why Ypsilon step-up transfrormer and Ypsilon tube phono stage may not be the culprit. I’m using a kondo ksl silver step-up transformer, kondo tube phono stage for recording vinyl for audio restoration projects and I haven’t had any hum/noise issues. I have a dedicated AC line, ground and AC filtering. I didn’t spend extra effort for star grounding and using only kondo ksl silver cables’ (powercords, tonearm cable, litz etc.) ground connection but hadn’t have any issues.

Very educational and much appreciated.

Question is: is file 2 worth 98k more?

I purchased a Hana ML and a Grado low output Reference 2 last December for my VPI Prime Scout. I bought an extra metal VPI tonearm for the Hana, but it sounded so sweet riding the 3D wand that I decided to swap the cartridges on a monthly basis. The metal arm has been relegated to mono duties. The Grado is a fantastic rock and roll pickup because of its big yet tight bottom end. Overall, it doesn't provide the detail of the Hana, but it's such a smooth ride--like an old Cadillac floating down the highway. The ML is no slouch in the low end, but it doesn't have the same impact. I enjoy both of them and look forward to the monthly swap. You mentioned how important setup is for the ML stylus and I can personally attest to how horrific it can sound if VTA is off by even a fraction. One big advantage of the microline stylus is its uncanny ability to minimize or even eliminate pops and clicks. My gear is far from the world of the audiophile, but with high-value/affordable products like the Prime Jr., KC Vibe, and now the Hana ML hitting the market, it's remarkable what can be achieved on a moderate budget. Thanks for your review, not only of the Hana, but of many other affordable products on AP.
By the way, in you Excel tour you comment that the Denon test turntable has a broken counterweight. I'm assuming that it's an angled affair designed to lower the weight's center of gravity, no?

This review popped up at a good time! I've been trying to figure out my next high output MC. Currently I have a Hana EH. Prior to that I had a Sumiko EVO III. I've been between the Sumiko Songbird and the Hana MH. The MH would be first foray into something other than an eliptical tip. I mostly listen to rock, punk, experimental instrumental, and other narrow sub-genres of the sort. I'm not sure the MH would be a worthwhile additional expense for me. Michael, you reviewed the Songbird last June. Any thoughts or input for me regarding this choice? Thanks for your time!

... Dynavector DV-20X2H.

Loved the cut so I found it on Tidal and I'm enjoying it a lot. I'll look for this on vinyl now.

Thank you so much for doing these reviews. It is truly extraordinary to be able to hear these products as well as reading about them, particularly in such high quality rips. I am a huge fan of all your audio tests!
I apologize in advance for pointing this out but I believe that one of the rips has the right and left channels reversed (I am not familiar with this recording so I cannot say which is wrong and which is right).
Also - and I don't mean to sound ungrateful - maybe the ultimate test to know which cartridge we prefer would be by recording them with the same phono preamp... Of course the different turntables and tonearms will have a big impact as well, but it would be a great starting point to know that the preamps are not imparting the cartridges with their own distinct sonic signature.
Thank you again and keep these reviews coming!

Just one completely outshines the other. I'd love to hear what the ML could do with a Boron or Ruby cantilever. The aluminum one it comes with is a little chunky IMO.

Channels are reversed.
On File 1 the first guitar (first chords) is on the right channel and the cymbals are on the left.
On File 2 the first chords come from the left channel and the cymbals from the right.
Listen with your headphones on. I agree that reversing channels can change the experience completely. Just like listening to the same recording in and out of phase...

I'm still hearing guitar right & cymbals left. However with the second it's not as pronounced L/R as it is with the first, it's more subtle, and I'm actually hearing the cymbal more across the top of the room starting from the left & the guitar more closely centered. Bear in mind that I'm listening early in the a.m. at pretty low level because I have neighbours on the other side of the walls but the speakers (B&W Nautilus 805 image pretty well). My amp doesn't have ability to plug in headphones unfortunately.

The Hana file I downloaded is called 2 at the end, but the channels are still swapped on that one :-/
I tried swapping the channels just to make sure, and that confirmed that the channels are still swapped.

I fear the aluminum cantilever has too much mass, as anything I've tried beyond my Shure V15 Type V just can't track all of my records. I'm really surprised they didn't go with boron. But I did hear the SL at an audio show a few years ago and liked its rich sound. (I felt it sounded way better than the top-of-the-line $2k Clearaudio MM they were also auditioning.)
I'm still hurting from exchanging my Dynavector DV10X3 for the XX2 Mk II; the former had a lack of resonance and a really good tracking ability, where I find both lacking in the XX2 despite its otherwise engaging sound.

Inquiring minds want to know.

1. Beautiful song
2. SAT file : beautiful balance, solid and addictive bass.
3. HANA: very lively and involving experience, bass a bit confused. Being a Hana EL user, I recognize the family sound, but feels closer to the event here.
4. Yes: on HANA file, the channels are reversed (assuming Tidal streaming is right).
5. Yes: clearly audible hum, stronger on HANA file, strong before the music starts, dont hear it once the music started.
6. Michael, with the present context, it seems your setup is really scrutinized! I wish I could looked after that way. Thanks!

One thing that I remember about the ML is it does big soundstage well. It just doesn't have the fine detail of a better cartridge. There must be an issue with #1 & as Diogo stated most likely there's a cabling issue.

I think these are the two I am choosing from, the Kleos being a tad more expensive. I surely would appreciate some input before I'll go ahead and buy one.

The Kleos is about 3x the price of the ML. Did you mean Delos as it's about $1500 USD +/-?

I found it to have better detail than the ML but as with all things audio YMMV. My arm is the Audiomods Series 6 & had the ML, Delos & DRT XV-1s all in a short period of time. They all worked very well but had I not already purchased the Dynavector I most likely would have stopped at the Delos.

Sorry if I missed it, but what loading setting was used for the ML on the Elac - PPA-2? Thanks.

Both sounded great but 2 had a bit better punch, excitement and speed I thought.

Plus it saves you about $700.00.

Don't know if anyone else mentioned this, but the channels are reversed between the two files in this revue.

Michael? Care to chime in? This is your website after all...LOL

I have the Etsuro Urushi Cobalt Blue in my system, made by XL and its the best cartridge I ever had. I am using the EMIA step up transformer made by Dave Slagle; which has something to do with the great sound.

I was in the market for a new cartridge - my dealer brought over the Etsuro Cobalt Blue, and the Etsuro Gold - Cobalt Blue was really nice, but the Etsuro Gold was at a completely different level. Gold has very high precision without being "in your face". I ended up getting the Gold - happy happy.....

I emailed him and he's fixed the first file. #2 still the winner hands down but you'll all get a better sense of the MLs sound now. It's pretty good but just missing that little bit extra that allows you to close your eyes and trick your brain into believing you're in the studio. The SAT combo is pretty darned good.

and it wasn't difficult to discern the differences through my meager couch setup here of laptop, DragonFly 1.5 and Grado SR60.
The texture on the bass guitar, the shimmer and much longer decays of the cymbals, and once again, just the overall sense of delineation between all the various elements, as if they were all given greater opportunity to be their own thing within the same delicate dance.
But unlike the earlier comparison of Ortofon Blue vs. A-T cartridges, I could live happily with the "cheaper" one here (Hana) even though the differences between it and the Anna are clearer.

You know I notice Hana is being pushed by dealers hard and pretty much everyone carries them. That tells me something. I wrote a song about it wanna hear it? Here it goes "A big ole markup you must be offer, because everewhere go I, they undercut yer coffer". Of you want to hear that on vinyl its coming out soon at doesntexistnosir.com
Seriously though, the ML looks nice and I have a pal that likes his. Of course, he likes his cables too and every time he spends more money on a set I hear nothing but how they changes his life.
Where am I going? Cause actually, I'm wondering what my next cart is going to be.

I am wondering if there any trick in setting up SRA for Hanna ML with microscope due to its shape or it's exactly as in this article https://www.analogplanet.com/content/how-use-usb-digital-microscope-set-... ?
Thank you!

How similar to the old Argent MC’s of the past?
I have read on more than one occasion that the Hana cartridges are built with the same tooling as the Argent cartridges of the 70’s-80’s
The bodies certainly have similarities....

Love the video included at the end of this review and your several attempts at humor.
As you probably know, Japanese (and many others in that side of the pond) are usually very FORMAL/ proper,/reserved especially in business settings. Respect of someone in authority or someone of age or education level is highly valued.. Hence, they were probably a bit challenged with how to react with your casualness / goofiness.. BUT, I enjoyed it but I also cringed a little due to the silliness of it all.. including your attempt at Australian accent. Chances are, they don't even know.. , just like I assume you probably can't pick up regional Japanese accents
Now, onto trying to figure out if HANA ML or something else is an MC cartridge I should consider as a significant upgrade to my fantastic Ortofon 2M Blue..
Thanks for a good laugh and for the wealth of knowledge you impart !

Hello Michael,
I’m a bit late but I’m a little lost! I would like to know your opinion between a HANA ML and a SHELTER 501 MK3 on a Turntable Kuzma Stabi S + ToneArm Stogi S 9 ’, and an Aurorasound Vida Prima phono preamplifier, what do you think? My dealer tells me that the Shelter 501Mk3 is way above the Hana ML! I have a big doubt!
Thank you in advance for your help and advice!

In the process of upgrading to my first MC. Looking forcartridges in this price range.
You have reviewed both with high notes, the Goldnote Donatello Gold and the Dynavector 20X2L. How will you stack them up?

In the process of upgrading to my first MC. Looking forcartridges in this price range.
You have reviewed both with high notes, the Goldnote Donatello Gold and the Dynavector 20X2L. How will you stack them up?

Thank you for sharing insights into the Hana ML and MH Moving Coil Cartridges. | popcorn ceiling removal

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