VPI Traveler Turntable and Dynavector 20x2H Cartridge Combo From Music Direct Sweepstakes
Analog Planet and Music Direct are proud to offer you a chance to win the brand-new turntable from VPI, The Traveler. This turntable is dedicated to the memory of VPI co-founder Sheila Weisfeld, and it’s an amazing American-made work-of-art. Combine this turntable with the great high-output moving-coil Dynavector 20x2H phono cartridge and you are in for such a treat. We dare to say that no digital front end can compete. But hey, we’re analog lovers!
Josh Bizar from Music Direct says they will also be including some analog set-up tools and some incredible newly-pressed vinyl so will instantly know how amazing this analog package sounds. As an added bonus, Michael Fremer will personally set up the cartridge with his USB scope.
Click here for more info on the turntable and here for more on the cartridge.
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You can enter once on AnalogPlanet.com. No more than one entry allowed.
The final step (and only step for those who already have an account) is to log in and leave a comment right here on this announcementany comment will do, as long as it's not profane or spam. Then, when the sweepstakes closes, a lucky commenter will be chosen at random to receive the prize. So post a comment, and good luck!
For complete sweepstakes rules, click here.
[This sweepstakes is now closed.]
I sure would love to win this package...
this would be great, i wonder how it would sound wih my system.
This looks great, hope I win.
Just starting to make my way to the wonders of vinyl. This would be a nice start.
Please send the turntable to meet my record collection...plllleeeaaassse.!
Thank you.
The VPI Traveller was on my short list. To win it here would be wonderful!
I'm in.
The TT and cartridge make a beautiful
Great analog setup and happy to enter the contest for it.
Great initiative. I'm loving AP and MD!
Here's hoping this is open to non-Americans too! Should I be lucky enough to win I can have it sent to my employer's US office of course. So please consider me American if it helps =)
Pretty nice of you and Music Direct to give away such a nice table. Someone will be very happy.
Hope I win....
This package would be great to win, I've been drooling over all the new stuff at MD for awhile now.
This table doesn't look like the more industrial VPI tables of years past. VPI has really outdone themselves as far as cosmetics go. And I'm sure it sounds good too! I'll let everyone know how good it sounds after I win it!
Keep up the good work!
Awesome site, great place to begin my vinyl adventure.
Awesome site, great place to begin my vinyl adventure.
Would love to have this since i have been without a turntable for a while!
Looks great. Hope I win!
Very nice looking TT.
Would love a chance to ear the Traveler/20x2H combo!
Damn, I need a new turntable/
Groovy! Love the lean look.
Never won a contest, but there's alway a first time for everything :)
A great offer, thanks to all those involved, please count me in!
Nice table - count me in!
Pick me ! Pick me! My Rega needs a playmate.
I am sure this will be a great combo and for the money, very hard to beat. I hope i win!
I've got just the spot for this.
Nice package. Would be nice to win.
Sweet turntable. Please let me win.
I've got my trusty modified Technics for now but this VPI will blow it out of the water!
Best wishes to all..Love the site
Keep the news (and the contests) coming!
Looks Amazing!
Wow, looks stellar, sign me up!
Does it have a dust cover?
Thanks for the opportunity!
And I love my Pro-ject Debut III with Speed Box and Acryl-It platter but I'd love to spin some vinyl on this thing!
VPI + Dynavector = analog heaven.
Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
Awsome turntable setup. I've been using the same turntable for over 30 years. Time for me to win this puppy! .
Great combo
I'm on a Audio Technica AT-LP60. This would be amazing!
This looks amazing -- and I'm sure sounds even better. Put my name on the list!
Sweet looking TT. Hope to win it.
Sounds great! Can't wait!
I've been a huge fan of Mr. Fremer's work,from Stereophile to the Tracking Angle (I have every issue!), to the Music Angle, and now to AP. I value his insights, his recommendations, his sense of humor. Many Thanks -- you make my day every time a new review is posted!
And thanks for this cool contest!
I have a lot of old LPs with grooves awaiting.... pick me!
This would be a very nice addition for me, and I no doubt would be able to convert more people to vinyl lovers with it. Think of this as an investment in the future.
this is exactly what I need!
That turntable would play sweet in my system
Me, please.
This combo should make anyone's vinyl collection sing!!
I'd love to win this. What a sweet setup.
Table and Vinyl...yeah!
VPI's are great 'tables -- have never heard one I didn't like. The Dynavectors are wonderful, smooth, articulate and lovable.
I really enjoy the blog. Count me in for a chance on the VPI.
I've been looking to upgrade from my Pro-Ject Debut III to the next level of vinyl listening.
Hope it's me!
I would love to win this one...
This would be a nice upgrade for me. I hope I win.
This would be a great addition to my "other room". Thanks so much for the opportunity. And the recommendation in regards to Talk Talk "Laughing Stock".
If I win, will Mikey dial the cartridge in for me using his USB microscope?
Here's my post
Send it!
This would be amazing!
I'm in dire need of a TT and cart upgrade, and i think this would do quite nicely.
I would love to win the vpi turntable.
This looks like a real humdinger!! Fingers crossed. :)
I noticed that the cartridge costs a large percentage of that of the table. What would be the price range for a proper cartridge for the this table?
Since I never win anything, by me entering this drawing, everyone else has improved chances of winning!
to win this turntable
I'd love to give it a spin!
Big (new) fan of vinyl - this would be stellar to have!
I would love to make this my analog front end.
Crossing my fingers.
Please, count me in.
I just got a new table, but I am sure I can use a second one!
Dead Sexy
this is my comment! hope I win!
When will we see a review?
Someone is going to be very happy!
Excellent site. Thank you for the hard work you put into it.
I've got two VPI tables now, would like to make it three.
Finger's crossed!
Nice . . .
I'm fealing lucky... will Micheal Freamer come and install the turntable at home?
Yet another great way to play my hundreds of vinyl treasures, long live the "plow"!
Looks like a nice combo.
This sure would make a great first turntable.
I play records, and so does this.
If I win one of these I will celebrate by playing every single record I have. That should only take me up to, I estimate, my third re-incarnation....
Thirty-Three and Third
Spin it again and again
More true connections
Looks nice!
"It's like working with murcury man It's high science" this machine is sweet
Nice looking turntable!
This has pegged the lust-o-meter.
What an upgrade this would be, and I could pass on my debut III to my analog nephew.
I'm bound to win something someday!
but I never win anything.
What a great analog combo. Shure hope's my dream will come true.
A beautiful table... I want it please!
Happy Happy Joy Joy always fun to dream about a new toy.
Fingers crossed. Good luck to all!
Heck, I just bought a Thorens TD-320, but I'd probably sell it if this guy dropped into my lap.
Great turntable, would love to have this rig!
Would luv 2 make it mine!!!
I never win anything! Fingers crossed.
tt needed!
It would be a dream come true to win the all new VPI Traveler turntable with Dynavector DV-20X2H MC cart. So, please pick me!
I followed Music Angle for about two months, before it shut down and Mikey moved to Analog Planet. I must say that I am really enjoying the content. Please keep up the good work!
PS. A vote for more cool contests!
New VPI will be most welcomed in the home here in Denver.
Man, I want to win this...
Thanks for this opportunity! Would be a marvelous prize and best of luck to all!
This would be a huuuuuuuuge upgrade to my system!
Nice package. It would go really well with my existing system!
Hats off to VPI for another great product.
And it's great to have a new site from Mikey!
It looks beautiful! If it sounds as good as it looks I can see myself in analog heaven!
I am new to vinyl and loving it. Glad to have a place to go to like Analog plant for information and advice.
Enter me in the Sweepstakes, please!
I'm in.
I would love to win this.
That'd be very nice, indeed!
Hope I've got some good luck
He's been begging and Pleading me to let him get a new turntable. He just doesn't understand that we're poor. So, for my sake more than his, replace his whining with some music.
My turntable is so old and tired I'm ashamed to let anyone even see it, let alone listen to it. Boy would this beauty be a welcome addition!
Pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sure do like the look of the arm assembly.
Looks like a great table.Love to hear it
Bee..you..t..full machinning and modern art put together...A fantastic prize to win.. Keep vinyl alive...
What a site! Thanks.
Very nice set up!
A kind gesture during these interesting times!
Trying to upgrade an old Thorens TD160 Super with Linn Basik Tonearm. VPI Traveler might be the one.
Sweet! I want It!
Long time listener, first time caller here. Is this really random?
I'm dead curious about the Traveller. Hope I get this one to enjoy it in person. I promise to share my thoughts with you guys.
I would love this turntable for my 6000 lp's.
I had to enter.
I would happily win one of these tables. Saw one at Music Direct and they are beauties.
Love the Analog Sound, Still Loving Mixed Tapes from LP records.
Can't wait to add this sweet turntable to my audio gear!!
This looks like a real nice setup
Seriously. Please.
That 'table is sweet. My fingers are crossed.
I am an analog junkie with an embarrasing turntable.
How I long for a turntable to make me proud. This VPI Traveler Turntable would make all things right in my little World.
Please and Thank You. VERY much~