VPI Traveler Turntable and Dynavector 20x2H Cartridge Combo From Music Direct Sweepstakes
Analog Planet and Music Direct are proud to offer you a chance to win the brand-new turntable from VPI, The Traveler. This turntable is dedicated to the memory of VPI co-founder Sheila Weisfeld, and it’s an amazing American-made work-of-art. Combine this turntable with the great high-output moving-coil Dynavector 20x2H phono cartridge and you are in for such a treat. We dare to say that no digital front end can compete. But hey, we’re analog lovers!
Josh Bizar from Music Direct says they will also be including some analog set-up tools and some incredible newly-pressed vinyl so will instantly know how amazing this analog package sounds. As an added bonus, Michael Fremer will personally set up the cartridge with his USB scope.
Click here for more info on the turntable and here for more on the cartridge.
To enter the sweepstakes, all you need is an account on AnalogPlanet.com. If you don't already have one, click on the link labeled "register" at the bottom of this announcement or "Create new account" in the right column. Then, enter a username and a valid e-mail address, and click on the "Create new account" button. A message will be automatically sent to the e-mail address you specified, which will include a link to activate the account.
You can enter once on AnalogPlanet.com. No more than one entry allowed.
The final step (and only step for those who already have an account) is to log in and leave a comment right here on this announcementany comment will do, as long as it's not profane or spam. Then, when the sweepstakes closes, a lucky commenter will be chosen at random to receive the prize. So post a comment, and good luck!
For complete sweepstakes rules, click here.
[This sweepstakes is now closed.]
This would rock my world (literally) if I won this bad boy!
Thank you!
Good to see that VPI can come out with turntable at this price and still made here in the US. The tonearm looks great. I'm sure the combo sound good.
Love VPI turntables this is going to an incredible package for someone
Would love to own this deck especially with the Dynavector 20X2!
This is my first vpi table thanks
I've been a VPI guy since 1989. My first VPI table has lasted well over 23 years. It's getting a bit long in the tooth and a modern replacement would be just what the doctor ordered. I just had my 20-something year old record cleaning machine overhauled at VPI. Their service and customer support are second to none. Thanks VPI!
could be somebody's perfect birthday gift!
jeff c
Wow, the more I look, the more I like the slim sexy look of the VPI Traveler. Stick that Dynavector on the gimbaled arm and you're world class for lite on your wallet. Of course winning one would leave more dough in my wallet for more premium vinyl.
nice looking table
Contest aside, keep up the great work Mr. Fremer. I am pleased with the influx of new vinyl reviews.
I don't have any vinyl but if I win I suppose I will have to get some.
Would look so cool next to my Rek-o-Kut 12GH
Looks like a terrific combo.
I don't neeeeeeeed a new turntable, but OK, I'll bite! (fingers crossed)
Sign me up!
I have been thinking about jumping into the arena of analog audio for awhile, but have not pulled the trigger yet. I would love to win this prize and jump into analog with both feet!
This would be a great addition to my set-up. Please let me win !!
What an opportunity to win excellent vinyl reproduction products! Thank you Analog Planet, VPI and Dynavector..
good luck to everyone
It is great to see products like this made in the USA!
Here's my ticket.
Hope I win. It's all here on the vinyl. But there's no crisis. This is true. This is no social crisis, just another tricky contest. For you. Fella.
Would be nice to upgrade my older rega 3.
when I win this!
What a great Turntable package. Looking forward to getting a shot at owning this set up.
VPI has appeared at shows with a Soundsmith Carmen installed in the TRaveler. Which is best?
This would be a great replacement for my HK 65c
Living in an analog world rocks.
I would love to turn my nephew onto analog audio with this great setup.
Just a great equipment combo!
I had the priviledge of meeting Shiela once at an audio show and I will never forget her. A turntable in her honor is a great tribute!
I would like to take a monent to thank Analog Planet and Music Direct for letting me Win!!! My Ol' trusty Micro-Seiki is getting long-n-the-tooth....
Count me in
count me in
This would sure be an upgrade to my turntable
Count me in as well, and thanks for the opportunity to participate.
and so will I.
It would be awesome to win one.
I would like it
I'm in.
My old Empire Troubador needs to retire after 37 years. This would be a perfect replacement :-)
This would be an awesome prize!
Analog still lives!
Here's hoping that I win!! :)
I want to run with the big dogs at VPI..!
Still using an original VPI turntable with MMT arm and a Blue Point cartridge. My VPI is so early (old), there is no model number on it. Time for an upgrade!
Looks like another winner from VPI, I can't wait to hear this turntable cart. combination!
Need to win this!!!
I certainly hope this great Traveler/DV20x2 combo will be travelin' to my home!
Winning turntable means more $$ for vinyl!
Pick me, pick me, pick me...
... is it my new VPI Traveler Turntable and Dynavector 20x2H Cartridge Combo or just my beer?
Let it be both! Cheers!
Love to be spinning tunes on this rig !!
i have been thinking of a new turntable, a VPI would make my decision much easier !
Please-it's my time for some sonic karma...
beautiful grooves forever...
Always loved and respected VPI turntables and Dynavector cartridges. Thanks Music Direct for the opportunity!
I emailed VPI the other day to find out if this table will be available with XLR connectors, and at least for now it will not, but XLR may become available at a later date. Looks like a great value for money, would love to win this!
win me indeed!
This is nice to have a chance to win.
Been a VPI customer for 25 years. Would love to win The Traveler.
Been a VPI customer for 25 years. Would love to win The Traveler.
There is a certain delight to take in the obviousness of the thoughtful design of such record players that their more modern cousins cannot seem to convey.
My sons turntable died. He is a poor college kid. Hope we can win for him.
Your trick worked. I registered. Now come to daddy.
Hold your calls, we have a winner!
Sign me up!
This is quite a nice looking table and cartridge combo, looks like another great job from VPI, and matched well with an excellent Dynavector. Thanks for the sweepstakes!
So, owner of past VPI and current models, one more would be great! and a gimbal arm at that!
Fingers Crossed!
Hope I win!
Nice turntable offered as sweepstake. Good luck.
back to belt drive !!
Good luck!
Fingers crossed! :-)
Since I've been out of vinyl for quite some time and would like to get back in, I really would like to win this sweepstakes.
This would be a beautiful addition to my media room... Here's hoping I win!
It looks beautiful and I’m sure it will have a gorgeous sound. I would love to own one.
Will make a nice replacement for my 30 y/o Rega Planar 3.
I would love to win this combo to give to my 22 year old son! He is a music lover, & only buys LP's! What better way to keep vinyl sales going strong, than to keep all generations interested ;)
VPI makes really great equipment and their customer service is excellant.
Sweet combo. Must win.
Fifty years of entering contests, let this be the one!!
In it to win it!
I even have a moving coil preamp
Such beautiful machinery; I'd probably lose a few tears if I won it. :.)
bring me the vinyl !
It's going to be fun comparing the VPI to my classic Harman Kardon T55C turntable.
My old table died and it's been over a year. And my dog needs surgery (really, true story...). Not complaining, just sayin'...
If nothing else I can dream
Good Luck too all and I envy the one who wins it
My records would be very happy with this table/arm combo!
My guess is cheese.
Count me in
I have a very high regard for the Dynavector line. Have a 501 tonearm and 10x5 cartridge that sounds far better than anything else on my turntable. Would love to hear the 20x2 on the VPI.
Thanks so much for this unique chance at winning this amazing analog setup. Here's hoping it is my lucky day! What an amazing upgrade this would be for this analog lover.
My 36 year old Micro Seiki turntable died. This would make a terrific replacement. My vinyl collection has been pretty lonesome lately, what with no place to play and all....
I'd like to join the Party!
Count me in!
This is a much better setup over what I have now. Would love to win!
I so need a new turntable
would be nice to actually win something I'd enjoy
Wife found my hidden new turntable fund and spent it. This would definately make up for it.
This would be perfect for all the time I am going to have with my system. I got sidetracked into digital for the last decade, but kept the thousands of LPs that I had collected and moved around the country.
especially when the prize is a new VPI tt!
I will even sell my present turntable and donate the proceeds to GSA. (and buy more GSA cookies...)
Already dreaming about it!
Great looking table; reminds me of a slim plinth Rega but with american panache.
Count me in.
Neat contest and an interesting turntable.
Could REALLY use this. My system is on it's last legs :(
I'm in!!!
I'm feeling lucky...
Mr Wesfield made this turntable as a tribute to his late wife, I would feel blessed to own such a product, and would cherish this unit forever........God Bless.
I would love to win this!
I've had a tough couple years. I could use something to look forward to each day.
I never win anything, maybe this will change my luck!
Dynavector & VPI - sounds like a perfect fit at any price level!
Wow, that's a nice looking 'table. And those feet! Like a beautiful woman in stilettos! Sure would look good at my place ;)
Sounds good to me...please count me in!
Please, Sir, may I have some more.
sure would be nice to win this - since I lost everything in the fire, It will be years before I can afford to buy a new turntable to play records I no longer have...
I hope I have the luck I need. Thank you for this contest.
I wants it...my precious......
Wow, how exciting it would be to jump back into vinyl with this? Good luck to all!
Of course I want to enter and win!
~ "My, it's Very Posh, Indeed!"
~ The Very Push I need to get back into analogue.
~ The Veracity Perspicacious Intellects desire in a music-reproducing component.
~ Voluminous Pride's Included in a soft Velveteen Pouch In the packing materials.
~ A Verve Piquant Infuses its new owner upon extracting "la machine" from its carton.
~ Innumerable Veiled, Private Interludes await the lucky one who wins.
~ Verdant Pastures Inked in the brain during Vivaldi's, "La primavera" (Spring)
~ The Vinyl Pulchritude Inherent in simply spinning an album under its stylus.
A nice upgrade from my Victrola.
This would make an excellent upgrade from the Denon I have.
I have used a dyna XXII for over 20 years and its still greatl. I cant imagine what a new one would sound like in comparison, but would love to find out!
I am buying a new turntable soon, probably a Pro-ject or Music Hall... The traveler is just out of my price range by hundreds.. So VPI save me... let me win so I can buy a better phono stage and interconnects! Thanks!
Especially since creating a password was more complex than creating a login for my brokerage account. And why the default to Asia? I'm thinking that most of us are here in the USA. Just sayin'.
Whoever wins is going to be very very lucky to have this as their analog front end. Good luck everybody!
This equipment would look real good in my listening room!
My wife really wants this 'table - says it will fit the decor. Help a dude out.
First off, I really would like to win. I mean really badly. Second comment, this site and its predecessor (MusicAngle) has cost me some serious money over the past year. Those album reviews are so enticing. Thanks for the recommendations.
my name in the hat.
Winning this sure beats buying one. My wife is getting ready to put her foot down.
I have always wanted a VPI. I think analog is the missing link in my hifi system. Thank you making a winner
I'm soooooooooooo lucky
Pick me please.
Would be nice.
My Bang Olufsen are getting pretty old.
I'd love to have this tt/cart combo in my setup. Hope I win.
I can always use a new turntable.