Kronos Adds D.C. Accumulator Power Option For Pro Turntable

Designer Louis Desjardins explains the new D.C. accumulator power supply for the top of the line Pro turntable.

Pairs of capacitor banks store power and alternately power the turntable. When one bank's power is depleted, the unit automatically switches to the other bank, while the system replenishes the first one. This effectively removed the 'table from the power grid.

Can this possibly make a sonic difference? Of course it can!

Anton D's picture

A perfect place for that wow and flutter / speed stability program!

Bob Levin's picture

My Carbon Debut DC aced the Feikert test, with a Rek-O-Kut DSC 1 clamp and a cork mat.
I'd make a (semi) educated guess that you won't have to whip out your i phone for this TT. ;-)

hi-fivinyljunkie's picture

Is this an OTT solution to isolate mains? Check out the Mitchell Never Connected Power Supply and any Balanced Mains units.

kenkirk's picture

That bottom platter would be great for playing those Led Zeplin lp's backwards so we can bring back the devil talk in high definition. :)

Ok, cool table. Really cool.
